Sunday, April 10, 2011


50F and cloudy, perfect running weather. haven't ran much since the half marathon last Sunday. my legs took a hit from that race! Eric and I ran the same route as our 21 except we went out an extra mile. we paced ourselves very conservatively, maybe even a little too much. but given the distance, and the fact that we both ran well, I believe it was a wise decision. these distance are by no means easy, they are tough. and it hurts, but I just don't feel like my body will give in. we were prepared this time with an 'aid station'. somewhere around 12mi Eric stashed a goodie bag behind a rock at his office. perfect. water gatorade and stinger wafel's. the hill on the way back was tough. it took me a few miles to recover from it. along the way back, I was experimenting with a forefoot to mid foot strike. I really need a pair on minimalists to make more progress, because with the motion control's, the heel is so fat it always wants to hit the ground first. this running form utilizes your leg muscles more efficiently. I've discovered that my hamstrings, and glutes feel fresher toward the tail end of a long run when I change my gait. It can make a great difference on how I feel at mile 20 of a marathon, I believe. it did today. this was the last (really) long run before the race. time to hit the trails for the last few...


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